on the farm in June

open gateway



In June the farm seems filled with every shade of green from the yellowing green of grass seed heads to the dark green of shady oak tree branches. We’re poised at the point just before hot summer days dry out the grass and bleach the fields of wheat to dusty yellows.

tank and hosepipe

The grass grows tall in neglected corners.

bottles tucked into wall

While clearing a shed we ask why it seems obligatory for every old farm shed to have bottles and jars on a shelf or tucked into a hole in the wall

date and initials on wall

and to wonder who FG was and what they were doing in the shed in 1884.

rusting paint

Peeling paint on metal reveals the colours underneath.

As Bill filled his sprayer from the water tank the other day, a small rust hole in the water tank finally gave out and as water spurted from the tank it was a race to fill the sprayer before the tank emptied. One slightly frantic phone call later and I was crouched down, finger pressed against the hole feeling like the Dutch boy who saved his country by sticking his finger in the dyke. Believe me, it takes quite a while to fill a 3200 litre sprayer and the hole was inconveniently low. Such is the lot of the farmer’s wife.


under the trees

In June, there’s time to sit under trees and enjoy the sunshine.

It feels as if summer is truly here.




15 thoughts on “on the farm in June

  1. Hahaha….I can just see you sitting there with your finger in the water tank while Bill slooowly fills his sprayer! Do moments in life get any better than that? 🙂 Love your last photo. I’m sitting here in my polarfleece coat because no-one else is awake and our dodgy old heater in the living room won’t go on until the sun warms it up a bit (seems a bit pointless then, really). Enjoy your hot summer days! x

  2. Oh yes, the glamour of being a farmer’s wife. Jars and bottles do seem to be obligatory in old sheds don’t they? These look like they have been there for a year or two. 1884, there is some history right there. Enjoy your summer days.

    1. Usually the jars in sheds have the remnants of something in them but these were empty and cleaned, which is surprising. I wonder if I slide my hand further down if I’ll find some treasure.

  3. Well the jars may come in useful ‘One day’!
    Enjoy the summer Anne, I know its no good saying don’t work to hard to a farmers wife.
    The weather forecast is for some hot Spanish weather arriving in your area next week, lets hope it isn’t followed by thunder storms.

    1. It’s supposed to be very hot on Wednesday isn’t it? I wouldn’t mind a thunderstorm or two if it brings some rain – we need it.

  4. gorgeous photos – it must be lovely to live in a place and feel like so many have been there before you living life according to the seasons as they come and go – wonder if FG sat under that tree and enjoyed the June sunshine like you do now

    1. You’re so right Johanna. The rythm of farming life is the same as when FG was here (albeit with different tools) and even if FG didn’t sit under the tree, they certainly would have walked past it.

  5. I am sitting outside today enjoying the sunshine and warmth whilst reading blogs, that is pretty darn good isn’t it! I know what you mean about old buildings and bottles etc! Odd isn’t it. I cannot say though that I know much about water leaks in farm machines! Hope that you can get it all sorted! xx

  6. You take some of the most interesting photos. I always love to see what you do because you’ve got such a wonderful eye. Someone definitely was going to use those old jars so I hope you didn’t throw them away!

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